Information about the wall tattoos

We usually make wall stickers from Orafol 638.

Available colors on request:

Product description
Very supple soft PVC film.
Available in over 50 colors with a matt surface.

Covering material
Silicone cardboard coated on one side, 135 g/m².
For white film, a light blue coated silicone cardboard is used to achieve a stronger contrast to the motif.

Adhesive polyacrylate, easily removable

Area of ​​application
For markings, labels and decorations on wallpaper indoors.
Very suitable for processing on cutting plotter systems.
We recommend ORATAPE® LT 95 as transfer tape for application.

Technical data
Thickness* (without protective paper and adhesive) 0.080 mm
Dimensional stability (FINAT TM 14) bonded to steel, no measurable shrinkage in the transverse direction, max. 0.4 mm in the running direction Temperature resistance*** Bonded to aluminum, -40° C to +80° C, no change
Fire behavior (DIN EN 13501-1) B-s2, d0 (flame retardant, limited smoke development, no dripping)
Adhesive strength* (FINAT TM 1, after 24 hours, stainless steel) 6 N/25 mm
Tear strength (DIN EN ISO 527)                       Longitudinal: > 19 MPa
Crosswise: > 150%
Storage life**                                                           2 years Bonding temperature > +10° C
Durability when processed correctly (indoor use) 2 years
Removability                                                                    Can be removed from most surfaces without leaving residue

* Average value ** in original packaging, at 20° C and 50% relative humidity

Product information
The surface to be bonded must be free of dust, grease or other contaminants that could impair the adhesive strength of the material.
To determine whether the type of substrate provides sufficient adhesion, application tests must be carried out before application.
The processing instructions issued by ORAFOL must also be observed.
Our goods can be traced back to ISO 9001 using the roll number.

IMPORTANT NOTE All ORACAL® products are subject to careful quality control throughout the entire manufacturing process.
The products are guaranteed to be of commercial quality and free from manufacturing defects.
The information published on ORACAL® products is based on research results that the company considers reliable, but does not constitute a guarantee.
Due to the wide range of possible uses of ORACAL® products and the ongoing development of new applications, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to carefully check the suitability and performance of the product for the respective purpose. The purchaser bears all risks arising from the use of these products. All information is subject to change. ORACAL® is a registered trademark of ORAFOL Europe GmbH.